Doctor Strange 2: What will Happen in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness?

Doctor Strange 2 What will Happen in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness had its debut trailer towards the conclusion of Spider-Man: No Way Home’s post-credits scene. Because No Way Home is a multiverse story starring Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), a teaser trailer made sense. The first trailer was then released on YouTube after Marvel waited a few days. As previously stated, the clip appears to confirm some of the recent Multiverse of Madness spoiler leaks. To put it another way, it confirms the various Doctor Strange 2 plot leaks from October.

However, it appears that the first Multiverse of Madness trailer may confirm a major spoiler in the best possible way. That secret is hidden in plain sight, making it difficult to find. Before you continue reading, we’d like to warn you that there will be plenty of Doctor Strange 2 spoilers below.

Doctor Strange 2’s leaks are causing a problem

Doctor Strange 2 is expected to be an even more ambitious multiverse film than No Way Home, which is understandable. The multiverse is a major theme in MCU Phase 4. Unlike Spider-Man 3, Marvel owns Multiverse of Madness, so it has complete control over the plot and characters.

However, MCU fans who enjoy MCU spoiler reports already have a major issue with Multiverse of Madness. Doctor Strange 2 reportedly required extensive reshoots to fix the overall story and add a slew of cameos. All of this occurred near the end of 2021, shortly after the film’s release date was pushed back to May 6th.

That means that any Multiverse of Madness spoilers published prior to the reshoots may differ from those published in recent weeks. Nonetheless, there are a lot of similarities in these Multiverse of Madness plot leaks. And the overall narrative is the same.

Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) will be either the main villain or one of the main antagonists in Multiverse of Madness. She may be able to redeem herself by the conclusion of the film, but she’ll have to battle Strange and company in the meanwhile. That’s important to remember in light of a potential spoiler in the first Multiverse of Madness trailer. Take a look at the following image:

Wanda is getting ready to cast a spell in the image above. That is her signature hand gesture. She’s used her red magic in every Marvel adventure so far. In Multiverse of Madness, she’ll do it again. As a result, it’s very easy to focus on her hand in the Doctor Strange 2 trailer and miss the major spoiler lurking in the background.

The trailer for The Multiverse of Madness contains a spoiler

We can see a “yellowy-orange glow” behind Wanda’s hand, as DigitalSpy describes it. It also appears to be a door. But this isn’t any ordinary door. This is one of the multiversal doors that we saw throughout Loki. The TVA employs these Time Doors to travel to any point in the future or past in order to prune a timeline and eliminate Nexus threats.

Because Marvel uses MCU trailers to mislead fans, we shouldn’t believe everything we see. However, some of the brief scenes in those trailers may be taken from pivotal moments in a film or television show. If you have enough leaked information about a production, you can use trailers to confirm major spoilers.

It was the case with Eternals and No Way Home. Furthermore, the Multiverse of Madness spoiler above appears to match existing leaks.

According to rumors, several Loki characters will make an appearance in Doctor Strange 2. Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), and Mobius are among those on the list (Owen Wilson). As Strange travels the multiverse to save America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) from Wanda, it makes sense that some version of the TVA appears. And if that’s the case, we’ll start seeing those TVA doors appear here and there.

Perhaps the TVA is after Wanda in the scene above. She’s using her magic, which means she’s not in the TVA. Loki taught us that once inside the TVA, magical abilities are rendered useless.

Having said that, there’s no way to confirm this potentially major Multiverse of Madness spoiler. However, we anticipate that the film will have a direct connection to Loki.

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