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Destiny 2’s Season 18 Mods Might Overcrowd The Class Item Slot

Destiny 2's Season 18 Mods Might Overcrowd The Class Item Slot (1)

One of the best seasonal modifications ever introduced for players who want their character to stay alive was Classy Restoration in most activities, whether they were PvE or PvP, during Destiny 2’s Season of the Haunted. Similar to Seasons before it, players tested out the several artifact mods that were available, culled out the best of the bunch, and used them in the proper game types. The many unlock tiers for Season 18’s artifact modifications were described, along with the slots allotted for each mod that needs a particular one before the game’s official release.

Although it hasn’t always been like this, Bungie has been promoting build-crafting in Destiny 2 as one of the game’s strengths, and seasonal mods are a crucial component in what makes each unique build shine. However, one aspect that sticks out is the fact that the majority of these seasonal mods are restricted to the class item slot. In the case of Season 18, Bungie brought fascinating items to the game that will work with Arc 3.0 builds or for casual play. Class items in Destiny 2 have a maximum energy capacity of 10 and up to three slots for artifact mods in the case of Artifice Armor, although those capacities are insufficient to employ all Season 18 mods.

Seasonal Mods in Destiny 2 Shouldn’t Be Limited to Class Items

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It seems to sense that using all class-item-specific seasonal mods has never been an option in Destiny 2, as it forces players to make thoughtful decisions about what they are prepared to give up along the road. However, there are nine mods in the Season 18 artifact mod choices that are only available in the class item slot; thus, at most, players will be able to use three of these. In more practical terms, that figure will range between one and two.

The maximum combined value of modifications that can be applied to an armor piece is determined by the number of energy points it can hold, which means that players cannot, for example, employ mods with different energy costs on the same item. It is physically difficult to fit numerous mods in a piece of gear that is already limited, which is part of the reason why Destiny 2’s Season 18 shouldn’t focus too much on the class item slot.

Furthermore, it’s probable that many Guardians may only use one or two seasonal modifications on the class item because players are unlikely to hold an Artifice class item that gives access to a fifth slot that can only host artifact mods. It doesn’t help that class item modifications are frequently more expensive in terms of energy. The forthcoming Season of Destiny 2 will probably try to improve build variety by offering a range of viable options, especially for Arc 3.0 builds.

The most intriguing mods in Season 18 all appear to be class-specific, which could have the reverse effect and lead to a small number of meta-optimized builds that essentially reduce the variety of builds. Only the top two or three options will ultimately be chosen if there are nine possibilities available for a single slot and players are only able to use three at once owing to game-imposed restrictions. Instead, the next Destiny 2 Seasons might include mods that aren’t restricted to just one item slot but rather two. This would boost build variation as intended by Bungie and make each decision more significant.

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