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The First Lady Season 2: Latest Updates

The First Lady Season 2: Latest Updates

What are the chances of a second season of The First Lady airing once the season one finale airs this weekend on Showtime? Alternatively, are we already gearing up for our return to our starting point?

It’s important to remember that the season’s female characters, including Michelle Obama’s Viola Davis, will likely be saying their final words on Sunday night. Some of these stories have been told side-by-side so that viewers can experience the parallels and distinctions between these women’s White House experiences.

It is evident, however, that there are a number of additional stories that deserve to be told. In our minds, yes. In history, there have been a plethora of remarkable First Ladies, each with their own fascinating tales to share. A few are divisive, while others serve as sources of inspiration. If the show’s creative team decides to continue it, we think it would benefit greatly if they cast more prominent celebrities like Davis to help sell it to viewers.

Renewal of The First Lady would require a decision by Showtime, and we don’t have an answer for that question at this time. The First Lady is currently airing on Showtime. The only thing we know for sure is that we’d like to see what more the creative team has in store for us. It’s understandable that the network isn’t going to decide on this right away. Most likely, they’ll wait a few weeks to see how the show does with viewers before deciding whether or not to bring it back.

Yes, I’d want to see a second season of The First Lady on Showtime.

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