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Quick News: Golda, Saints, Crown, Landscapers


The first picture is of Helen Mirren as Golda Meir, the former prime minister of Israel. It was taken as the movie started shooting in London.

Nicholas Martin wrote a film about the Yom Kippur War. It is set during that time, and he wrote about the controversial decisions she made. Camille Cottin, Rami Heuberger, and Lior Ashkenazi play in this movie.

Saints Row

Volition Games has delayed the release of the Saints Row reboot by six months, from February to August 23rd. They say that they need more time to do final polishes and touch-ups.

The Crown

Senan West, the real-life son of actor Dominic West, will play Prince William on “The Crown” show to his father’s Prince Charles.

The actor will have his first appearance on screen in the final episodes of the season. The episodes might cover events leading up to and including Princess Diana’s death.


HBO has released the trailer for a new show called “Landscapers.” The show will air on December 6th. It stars Olivia Colman, David Thewlis, Kate O’Flynn, Dipo Ola, and Samuel Anderson.

This story is about a British couple. They are middle-aged and married. Two dead bodies were found in the garden of the house they live in. The police investigated them, but it turned out that they were not guilty because those people had died a long time ago.

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