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That 70s Show Fans Have Drawn Their Attention To A Strange Food Detail

There’s a good probability that you’ve at least heard of “That ’70s Show,” even if you’ve never watched an episode. The sitcom created by Bonnie Turner, Terry Turner, and Mark Brazill ran for eight seasons, from 1998 to 2006, and at that time it was nothing less than a small screen masterpiece. The entire Point Place, Wisconsin gang won over viewers, and they eagerly anticipated what types of ’70s pranks they would get up to next. Even though the series ended abruptly with the skippable Season 8, its television legacy endures as a new generation of viewers watches it.

It turns out that Netflix has noticed how popular “That ’70s Show” is still in the streaming era. In response, the streamer approved the highly anticipated “That ’90s Show,” which would take up in the title decade and centre on the daughter of fans’ favourite actors Donna Pinciotti and Eric Forman (Topher Grace) (Laura Prepon). Some fans have chosen to take a second look at “That ’70s Show” in order to get ready for the sequel series and capitalise on the nostalgia its announcement has evoked. This decision has led to some intriguing findings.

The meal shown on “That ’70s Show” is one such odd discovery discovered by the fan base. Here is the subject of the commotion.

On That ’70s Show, why doesn’t anyone ever finish their meal?

“That ’70s Show” promotes itself as a humorous, dramatised look at everyday life in the 1970s, hidden under all the comedy and drama. As a result, we frequently see our favourite characters engaging in routine routines, even if these behaviours mostly serve as backdrops for laughs or other exchanges that advance the plot. Eating is one of them, frequently done at the Forman family dining room table. However, Redditor u/Cool Variety 2151 points out that in these situations, it’s a little odd that the characters just eat a little portion of their food before they depart or the scene is over.

This phenomenon does seem strange in the context of a particular scene if you think about it even the slightest bit. Actors from “That ’70s Show” do not always finish their meals, but there is a valid explanation for this. They and other performers use “eat-acting,” which is a means to mimic eating in front of the camera so they’re not downing a whole breakfast, lunch, or supper in every single take, as demonstrated by director and professional food stylist David Ma on TikTok. Actors don’t have to swallow their meal repeatedly because of clever editing, which keeps the illusion alive.

The characters on “That ’70s Show” not finishing their food can be a little immersion-breaking if you pay close attention to the meal scenes. However, given everything that goes into making up these sections of particular episodes, it makes sense why these sequences unfold as they do.

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