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Youtube Celebrates the Minecraft Community

Youtube Celebrates the Minecraft Community

Historic events happen all the time. But not all of them are monumentally important. Every day, something new happens, and it becomes history right after it happens. I am very proud to say that today is one of those days. If you have already visited YouTube’s homepage, you will know what I am talking about since YouTube looks different than usual because somebody has changed the background picture on Youtube’s homepage to a black square with the word ‘pwned.’

Today is the day that YouTube celebrates Minecraft. It’s not because creepers have broken through the screen and are hissing across their headquarters. Well, that’s one reason they celebrate, but it’s also because they reached 1 trillion views on content about Minecraft. That means it was all watched by people!

All of us at Mojang Studios are happy to see the creativity and ingenuity that the community shows us. You make great buildings; you make tutorials about how to build things, and when someone says something mean, you say good things back. All of this makes us want to keep working on Minecraft so that it can be the best game it can be. I am honored to thank all of you for showing me your creativity and ingenuity.

We wanted to make something that marks this big event – it is the first time that this has happened on the internet. We tried to do many things, but there were too many of them. Experts say no! There are 999 trillion, so we couldn’t include all the fails and other things. Music videos are fun. Let’s talk about Minecraft videos on YouTube.

That was enough reading for one day. Let’s go back to exploring the Minecraft Takeover. There is a lot of content to explore, after all!

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